Foundation Applications

Foundation applications are now being accepted. For more information and to apply click here


AGIP Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training is the training section of the Association for Group & Individual Psychotherapy (AGIP). AGIP started offering training in 1974 and its courses with the training seminars now taking place over 10 weekends per year (just Saturdays for the Foundation course; Saturday and Sunday for the clinical training).

Applications for courses commencing October 2024 are open.

It is possible to review the Open Day presentations (without sound) on the website.

If you have any queries about the training, please use our contact form.

The apptraining offers:

AGIP is committed to a broad, pluralist approach to psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, drawing on the major approaches to the theory and practice of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology. The clinical training equips members to work in private practice and in the public and voluntary sectors.

Trainees are encouraged to develop a critical and creative approach to their work within the field and to become competent, self-aware psychoanalytic psychotherapists or Jungan analysts. They acquire theoretical knowledge, sound clinical skills, and an ethical and professional approach to practice.


Our Links page offers information about radio programmes, access to free books online, and much more.

Black Lives Matter

AGIP stands against racial injustice and will work to better understand how we as individuals and as a psychotherapeutic  training organisation can be allies in the fight against racial injustice. AGIP understands and supports the protests against racism that have taken place around the world. We agree that Black Lives Matter.

The full policy statement can be found here.

UKCP/CPJA Five-yearly review of AGIP and  apptraining

All UKCP organisations are reviewed every five years by a team comprising UKCP and, for AGIP, officers from the College of Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis (CPJA) through which AGIP members join the UKCP register. The latest review report (December 2023) states:

  • “The visiting team found AGIP to be a warm and welcoming organisation with a core of experienced and dedicated group of members maintaining a high standard of education.”
  • “AGIP demonstrated a commitment to Equalities, Diversity and Incusion through their ongoing CPD events, their curriculum updates and their thoughtfulness around the use of Braille documents and disability access to their building.  They are aware that they find it difficult to attract people from ethnic minority backgrounds and are thinking about how to appeal more to a more diverse range of communities.”
  • “Their move to weekend- only training has increased access for those who need to work full- time during training . . “
  • Current students feel they have a voice via their student reps and that communication is, generally, good.  Graduate students feel the relationship changed over their years of training, from infantilising and distanced, to more fully inclusive. Many graduates continue to have a relationship with AGIP, becoming tutors and undertaking other roles on the committees.”

  • “We met with an engaging group of students from a range of year groups, including those on the foundation year and those who had completed the seminar aspect of the training and were completing their final requirements prior to becoming fully accredited. They felt that, overall, the training suited them.  Most felt that they would not have been able to do a training such as this if it wasn’t structured on a weekend per month format.”

  • “These ethics documents are certainly fit for purpose, clear and in line with UKCP/CPJA. AGIP has taken good care to integrate UKCP Code (2019) into its own processes, and has used the resources provided by UKCP to good effect.”

    “AGIP sets out a strong and containing approach to Ethics in this Code, which manages to successfully integrate the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy / analytical psychology into the general framework of the UKCP code. It usefully covers supervision and training-specific matters within the same Code, and the sections on the ethics of Supervision, and the responsibilities of (and towards) AGIP members in training are particularly helpful and clear.”

  • Overall, the (review) visit provoked positive and thoughtful reflections; and everyone we spoke to demonstrated a deep investment and connection to the organisation.”


appt is the training section of the Association for Group and Indiividual Psychotherapy (AGIP).
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